10/15/07: A Wonderful Window of "Opportunity"

Mom and Dad came to visit Saturday. What a beautiful afternoon... cool, no clouds in the sky. Mom was great, Dad seemed happy and was playing with the kids in our back yard.

Mom didn't remember ever seeing the swingset equipment that she and Dad gave the kids a couple of years ago. I tried to ease her mind by telling her that it was probably because we never sit on the back porch when they are over (which wasn't true but I didn't want her to feel like she was having one of her "moments"). I didn't dare tell her that she and Dad gave it to the kids. Other than that everything seemed pretty normal.

The 4 of us laughed a lot, the kids kept wanting their "Dat" (Dad's grandfather name given to him by Emma) to come down into the yard to play. He was loving the attention. David played too. Mom and I had a great time talking around the table on the porch. Emma and Wade would come up periodically and hug their Marin (Mom's grandmother name also given by Emma).

I LOVED my window of "opportunity" to see my mother the way she was before her diagnosis, for the most part. I took it and went with it!

Love you so much Mom!!


(Photo: Hilton Head Island, SC 2004 - Anne holding Wade and my mother Marilyn)


Vicki said…
You have always been such a great photographer...you capture the moment on paper. I'm glad you were able to capture the moment with your mom on your backporch. I have a small idea of what you are dealing with as my mother is going through similar circumstances with her parents. There is nothing I can say to make you feel better...just know that I love you! I will remember you and your family in my prayers.
Vicki B.